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In cooperation with the Institut Francais in Finland, the Finnish Academy for Science and Letters and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation,  the Finnish Society for Sciences and Letters is pleased to invite you to the public conference of Prof. Philippe SANSONETTI, Head of the Chair of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at the Collège de France and Institut Pasteur on:

Tuesday, June 25 at 15h00
House of Estates (Säätytalo)
Lecture Hall 15, Snellmaninkatu 9-11, Helsinki

This conference will be followed by a panel discussion on the importance of “health research” with representatives from the Finnish research system, and will end at 17h.

This public event is free of charge but registration is required.
Places are limited so we would like to encourage you to register as soon as possible please by Eventbrite: .

Sansonetti is professor and head of the Unité de Pathogénie Microbienne Moléculaire at the Pasteur Institute of Paris and chair of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at the Collège de France. Professor Sansonetti qualified in medicine from the University of Paris in 1979. Following clinical work in France, he established his research career at Institut Pasteur in cellular microbiology and the pathogenesis of enteric infections, particularly Shigella, including vaccine development, and more recently the molecular crosstalks between microbiota and gut epithelium. He is the recipient of numerous honours and awards, including the Louis Jeantet Prize and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Scholarship. He was awarded two successive ERC (European Research Council) grants. He is currently Chief Editor of EMBO Molecular Medicine. Member of the French Academy of Science, US National Academy of Science and the Royal Society.