The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters

The History of Science in Finland – Oral History and Individual Recollections

Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters is part of a large project on the history of science in Finland, in which personal narratives and recollections by scientists and researchers that are or have been active in Finland are gathered. 

The collection is organized in collaboration with The Finnish Literature Society (SKS), the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland (SLS), the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, the National Archives of Finland, and the Finnish Historical Society. 

The purpose of the oral historical element of this project is to collect information about the development of practices across scientific disciplines in Finland. We are interested in hearing about the respondents’ own descriptions, definitions and demarcations of their respective fields of expertise. “Narrating by writing” is an excellent way of accessing information about processes to which the respondents themselves have contributed. Documented experiences by scientific practitioners are valuable sources for historical studies of science and knowledge.

You can submit your answers until December 31, 2023.

The collection can be found here

For Peace

We, the signatory academies of sciences and technology, condemn the war in Ukraine and support all efforts in advancing peace. The war not only threatens human lives and well-being but also the foundations of civil society, including prerequisites for scientific work. As representatives of the scientific community we appeal to all parties for finding way to restore peace. Our joint efforts have to be channelled towards ensuring peaceful and sustainable coexistence.

For peace, stability, and human rights.
March 1, 2022

Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters
Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
Swedish Academy of Engineering Science in Finland
Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences

The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters

was founded in 1838. It is an Academy for all branches of science and scholarship. Its aim is to promote high-quality research, scholarship, networking and dissemination of information by:

  • arranging presentations, symposia and conferences,
  • publishing scholarly contributions,
  • awarding prizes,
  • providing financial support,
  • promoting national and international contacts,
  • stimulating transdisciplinary discussion.

Members and sections

The Society has ordinary members, foreign members and honorary members. All members are permanent and invited by the Plenum of the Society. At the age of 67 years, an ordinary member reaches the ranks of the Seniors and a new ordinary member is invited.

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Monday 20.11 at 5 p.m., Tieteiden talo, Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki
  • Commemorative speech for Professor Holger Thesleff is given by Mika Kajava
  • Lecture by Minna Palmroth: ”Avaruus on uusi musta”
  • Lecture by Theo Kurtén: ”Atmosfärisk aerosolkemi: hur långsam förbränning gör ångor klibbigare (med hjälp av kvantmekanik och relativitet)”

Link to stream

The lectures are open to the public, registration is not required.


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Mathematics and Physics



Social Sciences