Published | in News

Welcome to attend the autumn’s first monthly meeting on September, 19 at 5 pm at Tieteiden talo, Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki.

At the meeting, the latest research in neuroscience and pedagogy is discussed.

In addition, Per Saris gives a commemorative speech for Professor Nils-Erik Saris and Henrik Meinander a speech for Professor Matti Klinge.

The meeting is open to the public and does not require advance notice.


  • Commemorative speech for Professor Per-Erik Saris is given by Per Saris
  • Commemorative speech for Professor Matti Klinge is given by Henrik Meinander
  • Lecture by Eero Castrén on the topic ”Aivojen muovautuvuus”
  • Lecture by Erika Löfström on the topic “Doktorandhandledning – vad spelar den för roll?”



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