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The application deadline for the Maupertuis programme, which is a funding program with the aim of strengthening cooperation between Finland and France in research, innovation and higher education, is on September 30, 2023.

The programme aims to encourage cooperation in the fields of science, innovation and higher education on all research topics of mutual interest between France and Finland. It aims to promote scientific mobility between the two countries in two different ways: through short mobilities that encourage the establishment of scientific partnerships in the host country, and through scientific workshops that strengthen existing scientific partnerships.

The programme is aimed at young and established researchers in France and Finland.

For more information and to access the application form, please click here.

Supported by the French Institute of Finland, the French Embassy in Finland, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and the Finnish Society for Science and Letters, the Maupertuis programme provides grants to researchers from France and Finland to enable them to carry out scientific mobility in one of the two countries.

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