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The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters has awarded following prizes:

Professor E.J. Nyström Prize was awarded to Professor Taina Pihlajaniemi, University of Oulu.

Professor Theodor Homén Prize (history of Finland) was awarded to Professor Henrik Meinander, University of Helsinki.

Professor Theodor Homén Prize (physics) was awarded to Professor Timo Vesala, University of Helsinki.

Magnus Ehrnrooths foundation Prize (mathematics) was awarded to Professor Jarkko Kari, University of Turku.

Mikael Björnberg Memorial Fund Prize was awarded to PhD Jaakko Nättilä, Columbia University.

Three teacher prizes were awarded to following prominent upper secondary teachers: Irene Pörn, (Korsholms gymnasium), Timo Koivunen (Oulun Suomalaisen Yhteiskoulun lukio) and Leena Lukkarinen (Mäkelärinteen lukio).