The Finnish Society of Sciences And Letters

Mathematics and Physics

Chair: Susanne Wiedmer
Vice-Chair: Peter Johansson

The Section of Mathematics and Physics covers the main physical sciences such as physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer science, so that all the most significant scholars in these sciences are members. In addition, the increase in multidisciplinary research has led to situations in which it has become difficult to draw the line the above fields and those of the biosciences and technology. It has also become necessary within the section to take steps to ensure that all branches of the physical sciences have equal opportunities to express their opinions and needs.

With this in mind, the various fields represented within the section take turns to arrange symposia. The section also chooses from three to five representatives to serve as expert advisors to the board of the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation, in addition to which the section has its own grants committee, a committee to decide on the awarding of the annual Theodor Homén Prize for Physics and a committee for making recommendations regarding other awards and prizes. Alongside these functions, the section’s members are actively involved in the work of learned societies, foundations and international scientific bodies and committees in their own fields of study.

Ordinary members of the section