The Finnish Society of Sciences And Letters

What’s New

Yearbook Sphinx 2022-2023

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The yearbook Sphinx 2022-2023 has now been published online and in physical form. The book covers a variety of historical and linguistic topics. The contributions span subjects such as Russian, Ukrainian, and Finno-Ugric languages, early cultural encounters in the Mediterranean, ...

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Lithium Symposium

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Time: Thursday October 12, 2023 at 5 pm. to 7 pm. Place: Porthania, PII, Yliopistonkatu 3, Helsinki Lithium is an element that has traditionally been used as a medication. Nowadays, the world runs on lithium-ion batteries.  The symposium ...

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New Publication: Olof Hermelin. Hecatompol is Svionum. Ruotsalaisten sata kaupunkia: Suomen, Karjalan ja Inkerinmaan kaupungit sekä muita runoja Itämeren piiristä

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The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters has published a new publication: Olof Hermelin. Hecatompol is Svionum. Ruotsalaisten sata kaupunkia: Suomen, Karjalan ja Inkerinmaan kaupungit sekä muita runoja Itämeren piiristä Olof Hermelin (1658-1709), who disappeared in the Battle of ...

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Climate and Adaptation Symposium

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Welcome to attend the Climate and Adaptation symposium on September 28, 2023 at Tieteiden talo in Helsinki. The symposium is organized by the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters Biosciences Section. The language of the ...

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New members 2022

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The following scientists have been elected as members of The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters on December 19, 2022: Professor Theo Kurtén (University of Helsinki), Professor Antti Mäkitie (University of Helsinki), Professor Craig Primmer (University of Helsinki) and Professor Kari Rummukainen ...

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Prizes 2022

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The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters has awarded following prizes: Professor E.J. Nyström Prize was awarded to Professor Janne Saarikivi. Professor Theodor Homén Prize (history of Finland) was awarded to Professor Petri Karonen, University of Jyväskylä. Professor Theodor Homén Prize (physics) ...

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För fred – Rauhan puolesta – For peace

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För fred – Rauhan puolesta – For peace Vi undertecknade vetenskapsakademier fördömer skarpt krigshandlingarna i Ukraina och understöder alla åtgärder som gagnar freden. Kriget äventyrar inte bara människors liv och välfärd utan också samhällets grundvalar ...

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New publication: Legacies of the Komsomol. Afterlife of the Leninist Communist Youth League and Contemporary State – Affiliated Youth Activism in Post-Soviet Russia and Belarus

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Legacies of the Komsomol. Afterlife of the Leninist Communist Youth League and Contemporary State - Affiliated Youth Activism in Post-Soviet Russia and Belarus Silvan, Kristiina Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium 81 Helsinki 2022, 115 pp. The book can be purchased from  ...

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New members 2021

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The following scientists have been elected as members of The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters on December 20, 2021: Professor Minna Palmroth (University of Helsinki), Associate Professor Indre Zliobaite (University of Helsinki), Professor Monika Österberg (Aalto-universitet), Professor Sarah ...

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Maupertuis program – call for proposals open

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The Institut Français in Helsinki, the Embassy of France in Finland and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation have partnered again this year with the Finnish Society for Sciences and Letters and the Finnish Academy of ...

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Peace Symposium in Uusikaupunki 11-14.8.2021

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Program: Peace Symposium in Uusikaupunki 11-14.8.2021 The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters symposium 13.8.2021: VAKAUS JA KESTÄVÄ KEHITYS ITÄMEREN ALUEELLA 2021 KULTTUURIKESKUS CRUSELLI, os. Kullervontie 11 moderaattorina toimittaja Jussi-Pekka Rantanen 10.00 – 10.15 Ministeriön tervehdys 10.15 – 10.30 Tiedeseuran avauspuheenvuoro Hannu Koskinen, professori, Suomen Tiedeseuran ...

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Prizes 2021

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The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters has awarded following prizes: Professor E.J. Nyström Prize was awarded to Professor Taina Pihlajaniemi, University of Oulu. Professor Theodor Homén Prize (history of Finland) was awarded to Professor Henrik Meinander, University of Helsinki. Professor Theodor ...

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New publication: Papers on Ancient Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the Ninth International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics (ICAGL9) 30 August – 1 September 2018, Helsinki

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Papers on Ancient Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the Ninth International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics (ICAGL9) 30 August – 1 September 2018, Helsinki Ed. Martti Leiwo, Marja Vierros, Sonja Dahlgren Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 139 Vaasa 2020, 578 pp. The book can be purchased ...

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Grant application period 1.1.-1.2.2021

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The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters supports research in mathematics and natural sciences, biosciences, humanities and the social sciences. The Sohlberg delegation supports postgraduate research within the geosciences (incl. geography) about the nature in Finland and the Nordic ...

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New members 2020

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The following scientists have been elected as members of The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters on December 21, 2020: Professor Eeva Furman (Finnish Environment Institute), Professor Matti Lassas (University of Helsinki), Professor Karl-Erik Michelsen (LUT-University), Professor Vesa Olkkonen ...

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New publication: Suomen puolesta, Euroopan edestä, Venäjää vastaan? Kansainvälinen vuorovaikutus ja yhteistyö vuoden 1899 kulttuuriadressissa

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Suomen puolesta, Euroopan edestä, Venäjää vastaan? Kansainvälinen vuorovaikutus ja yhteistyö vuoden 1899 kulttuuriadressissa Kajanne, Ville Bidrag till kännedom av Finlands natur och folk 214 Vaasa 2020, 348 pp. The book can be purchased from Bookstore Tiedekirja, Snellmaninkatu 13, 00170 Helsinki.   ...

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Prizes 2020

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The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters has awarded following prizes: Professor E.J. Nyström Prize was awarded to Professor Matti Lassas, University of Helsinki. Professor Theodor Homén Prize (history of Finland) was awarded to Professor Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen, University of Turku. Magnus Ehrnrooths ...

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Cancelled events

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The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters has cancelled all events during spring 2020. New dates for the annual meeting and the symposiums will be announced later. ...

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First performance of fanfare 18.2.2019

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Professor Eero Tarasti has composed a fanfare ”Fanfare, quasi improvisando” for the Society. The first performance was on February 18th, 2019, when Arttu Sipilä played it on a trumpet on the Society´s meeting. Read more and listen ...

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New members 17.12.2018

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New members Nine scientists have been elected as members of The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters on December 17, 2018: Professor Sara Heinämaa, University of Jyväskylä, Professor Veijo Kaitala, University of Helsinki, Professor Altti Kuusamo, University of Turku, Professor ...

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