The Finnish Society of Sciences And Letters

Social Sciences

Chair: Peter Söderlund
Vice-Chair: Åsa von Schoultz

The Section of  Social Sciences is responsible for subjects of a juridical, economic, social and civic nature, together with education and environmental conservation. The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters honorary members, Bengt Holmström and Stig Strömholm, belong to this section.

The section elects a grants committee each year to supervise the distribution of the Society’s research and travel grants in the relevant subjects, and also a committee to make recommendations for international prizes.

The section is also responsible for the journal Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium, which mainly publishes high-quality papers and monographs on topics covered by the section’s fields of study.

One important task every September is that of putting forward new candidates for membership of the Society, after which the annually elected selection committee makes the final decisions. Similarly, two new members are nominated onto board of the Society each year, while the chairman and vice-chairman of each section are elected for three years at a time. Alongside these statutory duties, the section may arrange seminars on themes of contemporary interest.

The section calls on its members to be active! The Chair, Vice-Chair and office staff welcome suggestions, ideas and enquiries from members, and especially high-quality material for publication.

Ordinary members of the section