The Finnish Society of Sciences And Letters


Chair: Dan Lindholm
Vice-Chair: Erik Bonsdorff

The Section of Biosciences involves a broad spectrum of subjects concerned with ecology, palaeontology and microbiology and extending as far as biomedicine and clinical disciplines.

A grants committee is elected annually from among the section’s members to make recommendations regarding the Society’s grants to be awarded in the relevant fields of study, and also a committee to nominate candidates for international prizes and members to serve on the Society’s other prize-awarding committees.

One important duty that arises every September is that of making proposals for new members of The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, after which the Society’s annually elected selection committee makes the final decisions. Similarly, two new members are appointed to the Society’s governing board each year, while each section appoints its chairman and vice-chairman for three years at a time.
Alongside these statutory duties, the section may arrange seminars on themes of contemporary interest.

The section calls on its members to be active! All members can influence what is done and achieved, and the Chair, Vice-Chair and office staff welcome suggestions, ideas and enquiries from members, especially proposals for seminars and other comparable meetings.

Ordinary members of the section