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The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters and the Institut Français de Finlande arranges a joint seminar on Monday May 29, 2023 at 10-12 a.m. on the premises of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 7 A 6, 4th floor, Helsinki.

At the seminar four laureates of cotutelle-scholarships funded by the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation within the Maupertuis-programme of the Institut Français de Finlande, the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, the French Embassy to Finland and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, give lectures on their research.

The seminar is open to everyone, but please register at

Programme of the seminar:

10.00 Coffee

10.15 Welcoming words by Professor Mats Gyllenberg, Permanent Secretary of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters

10.20 Lukas Enders: Design and Synthesis of Novel Chiral Au-NHC Complexes for Enantioselective Catalysis

10.40 Thuy-Linh Phi:  Fundamental research to designing new cellulose-based material

11.00 Yusuf Yusuf Oluwatoki: Full-Wave Radar Imaging of Small Solar System Bodies Interior

11.20 Sarah Massaad: The Control of Cancer Cell Adhesion and Migration by Mechanosensitive Calcium Channels

11.40 Vote of thanks by Institut Français de Finlande

11.45 End of the event

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